Updadting your VB versions.. Why?.. Talk about it here
I say.. Why do you have to update it EVERYTIME they push a new one (which seems like once a week). I say updates should go like this (considering you started with v1).. convert at 2.0.0.. convert at 2.2.5.. convert at 3.0..
Thats if you need to stay on the safe-side...
I see this board runs 2.2.6, and I see LOADS of boards that have been arround for ages that are still at 2.1X, etc... and their fine.
Vbulletin dosn't generally have BIG mistakes on any releases, they only patch up things that most people don't even notice. For most people it isn't even worth while to convert unless you've got the time, and know-how...
I just backup my SQL and files everynight.. I've been hacked 4times.. and the site always came back up as-was the night before