Hi All
I hope someone can give me some help on a news ticker I have been working on.
If I can get this working correctly then I will release it for everyone to enjoy.
The scroll is really smooth and the links are clickable when mouseovered?..
The News Ticker is made up of three entries as follows.
1> Upload StringWalk.class
2> Upload StringWalk.java
3> Insert code as follows into forumhome template.
<!-- Begin news scroller -->
<p align="center"><applet code="StringWalk.class" width=90% height=25>
<param name="fontface" value=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<param name="fontstyle" value="plane">
<param name="fontsize" value="12">
<param name="bgcolor" value="255,255,255">
<param name="fgcolor" value="105,105,105">
<param name="accolor" value="255,000,000">
<param name="caption0" value="New UK Paintball magazine, for UK players for more details hit this link.">
<param name="url0" value="http://walkonzone.com/vboard/showthread.php?threadid=406">
<param name="target0" value="_blank">
<param name="caption1" value="Register now for the Big Walkon Game to be held at WWP on 27th April.">
<param name="url1" value="http://walkonzone.com/vboard/showthread.php?threadid=168">
<param name="target1" value="_blank">
<param name="caption2" value="spare">
<param name="url2" value="http://www.walkonzone.com/">
<param name="target2" value="_blank">
<param name="caption3" value="spare">
<param name="url3" value="http://www.walkonzone.com/">
<param name="target3" value="_blank">
</applet> </p>
<!-- End news scroller -->
I have the above code pasted into the forumhome template.
Now all seems to work fine when you first hit the page. But on page reload, of if you go back to main page from one of the forum's the Java Applet dose not work again.
The only way it seems to work is if you shut down the browser and re-open a new browser to the same page, then it kicks into life again????
Sorry if I am missing something but I am not up on PHP at all.
All my web des has been in HTML for the past view years and I am still getting to grips with the VB system.
Any help at all would be much appreciated.
HERE is a link to my
TEST SITE for the working example.
PS, I have attached the class & java files in a zip.