Well, as you all know,
www.vbpanel.com will be offering free vbulletin styles, button sets, and all that good stuff, along with nice community forums.
We are just around the corner from opening the site, and have recently run into a
huge roadblock.
The guy that was donating the vBulletin license was a fraud. He apparently stole the license information from his friend (the license owner). Long story made short.....we need a vBulletin license.
I am goung to ask you guys to help us reach our goal of at least
$85 to buy a leased license. If we can get that, i will love you all forever, and if we can even get it up to $160 for an owned, ill love you more

Any donations, large or small, will be greatly appreciated, and youwill be marked as a contributor on our forums once we open the site.
Thanks a lot guys, and i look forward to the grand opening of the site.
[EDIT] Please PM me for donation information[/EDIT]
The current Donations will be updated here:
Donations Recieved: $60
Remaining Leased Amount: $25
Remaining Owned Amount: $100
Thanks again,
Mike Tannenbaum