I have Trillian as well and I didn't change the conversation. As far as you using your grandfather, I'm not getting into that, I stated what I thought of it and I'm leaving it at that.
You seem to think that I called you an a** because I was upset that you wouldn't do the work. You are wrong. I called you that because it's what I think you are, regardless if you do the work or not.
Cypher, at this point I think you should stop posting in this thread, it's not a flame against you in any way, it's about me venting on the problems I'm having finding someone to do a style. It seems like you're turning this into a flame war all because you think I got mad at you. Am I upset with you? Partially. I'm more upset at the situation than at you.
Stop reading into this and making it seem like I'm trying to bash you because I'm not, if I was I would have said your name and made the post about you. I didn't do that, now did I?