Sorry, I need to vent.
I'm getting very tired of this. I've been needing a style since last November. I've posted on WHT, here, made small comments at, just about everything I can do. All I've gotten is...well I've gotten nothing from anybody.
It's been said plenty of times that I don't have a lot of cash. I have spoken with various people who have given me various excuses as to why they won't do the work for me.
I understand these people have lives and other obligations and that I'm probably not the first customer in line. Fine, no big deal. But to turn me away because I won't pay them $500 is just not very cool in my book.
To this point I've been very patient with all of this. Now, my patience has run out. I no longer have time to sit here and play games. I no longer have time to sit here and spend time talking with people who, the next day, are just going to tell me they won't do it.
I'm sorry for venting, but I really needed to because I'm getting very sick and tired of all this crap. All I want is a style for my forums that isn't one from or something like that. I don't even want a full skin, I just want a button set, category images and a header/nav menu. How hard can this be?? Oh, and I love the response from one person, "Well if you don't want to wait or pay my prices, then go do it yourself". I'm sorry, I believe that's why I was going to hire him/her, because I couldn't do it myself. Not everyone is good with graphics.
If you are intersted in doing this for me, won't turn me down because I won't pay you $500, have examples of your work, and work quickly (meaning you won't take 2 months), please PM me, email me, post here, or something. As I said before, I cannot afford to pay somebody an arm and a leg. I have a leased license (expires in October) that I'll turn over to you.