I apologize for jumping in late here, but could someone explain one part of this a little further for me?
Here is my setup: 2 styles, 2 templates. Default and Blue
Default is obviously what I started with, many templates were modified (many!) before I created the new set Blue.
I created Blue out of Default (sounds like a bible story now doesn't it? hehe) Anyway.. blue only requires one or two templates to be different (header is one of them). The rest are a giant PAIN because when I modify one, I have to jump over and modify the other.
Then I notice the Template Set drop-down box. It shows both default and Blue. One might think if I only wanted to use one set I could change all these to default except for the ones I do want to keep separate. However, this doesn't seem to work.
"default" in this instance doesn't seem to necessarily reference the Default style templates that I have modified, but the actual real default un-modified template.
Here is an example:
I go into my Default style, memberlist template and modify it so it shows the msn, aol etc. icons. Now I jump over and started editing blue (cut & paste). Now I have 2 edited versions - both identical, but have to keep both updated. While editing the blue style (still memberlist template) I figure I'll select the default template set figuring it will take on any modifications I make in the default template so I won't have to cut & paste again. However, what I see then is the ORIGINAL default template - the one that existed before I ever modified it.
This means there are basically 3 things.
1. Default (modified) templates in the default style
2. Blue (modified) templates in the blue style
3. "Default" templates for both styles, un-modified originals.
Is this sounding correct?
Having said all this.. it is possible to do what I wanted to do? I mean.. keep maybe one or two separate templates, then let the rest of the templates from the blue style revert back to my Default style?
I better not say any more, I'm getting confused again..