Originally posted by Nancy C
By Mozilla, you mean Netscape? I have tried and tried to love Netscape and Eudora, and I just don't. I hate MS as a corp., but I like SOME of their products -- specifically IE and Outlook Express.
I found your forum -- macfora.com -- you should reference it, :^)
Mozilla, not Netscape. Even though I believe they use the same rendering engine. Mozilla, version 1.01 is the latest stable version. If you're up to it, they have nightly builds you can install and try. I only use IE to check my site. I use Mozilla full time. I do use Entourage as my mail client, Word, Excel as well.
As far as you images displaying, you need to upload your style images to a directory inside your forums directory, call it whatever you like. Then, go to styles in the vB admin cp and set your image path.