Well, you 90%ers (PC users) don't know what you're missing. Even Bill Gates knows the Mac is a better computer. That said...
I can read the forums fine, it's installing the skins that is giving me trouble. The first problem -- downloading. I'm getting "attachment.php" instead of the zip file. I read what Wayne Luke says above: " I would think the only thing you have to change is the title when you download." I tried this, and it worked. Don't know why. Works when I hold down the OPTION key to download attachment.php, then rename it on my hard drive. Clicking on the renamed .zip file runs Stuffit, and I got the folder.
Problem #2 -- elsewhere in this forum, I mentioned the problems I was having, and someone (sorry, forget who) pointed me to the right directory: /forums/images/themes so I created that, and then sub dirs for the themes I wanted. I'm getting SOME of the images, but not all of them. I can see they are there, though. I can find out the file name of one I can see and one I can't and both of them are in the directory. But they are not all loading -- even when I click on "load image".