I kinda figured this out. It took me an hour.
LOL sorry, I'm new to vb and when I get a hang of things, I'll be helping newbies like myself : )
Here is what I did to fix it.
From the admin control panel > Styles > Modify > Click on Fonts/Colors/Etc for My Current Style > Clicked On Jump to Templates > Found the following in "PHP Parsed Code" ...
// This code is PHP4 only:
// ob_start();
// require("yourheader.html");
// $header = ob_get_contents();
// ob_end_clean();
I copied and pasted everything and removed the above lines. Saved the document and refreshed my board. All is gone!
The reason I copied and pasted it to a notepad was for quick backup purposes in case I removed something I wasn't suppose to.
I'm glad I got it working. Hopefully, the above will help some of you fix this error in which I find to get with EVERY style I download : )