help me!!!!this is what i got!
################################################## ###### #### New "GetInfo" User Layout #### By: PSX-Dude (Updated By CoUnTrYbOy #### For: vBulletin Version 2.x.x #### Downloaded From: ################################################## ###### I have gone through and edited all of the colors to be compatible with any style, so you do not have to edit them on your own. -CoUnTrYbOy 1. Replace your current getinfo template with: -------------------------------------------- $headinclude $header
Viewing profile for user $userinfo[username]
User Info
Registered: $userinfo[datejoined]
Status: $userinfo[usertitle]
Posts: $userinfo[posts]
[ $postsperday posts per day ]
Search for all posts by this user.
Website: $userinfo[homepage]
$referrals $birthday $customfields Add to buddy list.
Add to ignore list.
User Contact
E-Mail: Click here to email $userinfo[username]
Private Message: $userinfo[sendpm]
ICQ: $userinfo[icq] $userinfo[icqicon]
AIM: $userinfo[aim] $userinfo[aimicon]
YAHOO: $userinfo[yahoo] $userinfo[yahooicon]
Administrative Options: User Options
$footer 2. Replace your current getinfo_birthday template with: ----------------------------------------------------- Birthday: $birthday 3. Replace your current getinfo_customfields template with: --------------------------------------------------------- $profilefield[title]: $profilefield[value] 4. Replace your current getinfo_referrals templatewith: ---------------------------------------------------- Referrals: $referrals