Well, I hate to bring up fantasy wrestling but it's a good example of how hard site promotion can be.
In february I started off my forum community with about 40 or so people that I knew, talked to frequently and that were involved in eWrestling (fantasy wrestling) as well. I kept it to about 60 members for a month then slowly began to bring people in. At the time many of the fantasy wrestling mainstream websites started to run dry, forums degenerated and slowly but surely... my forum garned 75% of the users from all the other websites. No one yet has been able to open a successful forum but I started things off slow (was quite fun in the beginning with just friends).
Now my forum has 648 members (or 548) and just about 25,000 posts. Not too bad for six months and a relatively small hobby.
Look at Xelation now, it's looking REALLY good. Maybe he should give some tips.