I have been speaking with FireFly about his portal script that he uses for vBulletin.org and it seems that it would be perfect for what we need to do here at vBulletinTemplates.com.
The script itself will cost $55.00; since vBulletinTemplates is a non-profit website, we are coming to the members. While a donation is not required of anyone, it will help us to obtain the script that much faster

Donations as little as $1 are accepted (there is not a max on what you can donate). All donations are very much appreciate and will only be placed torwards our current goal, nothing more. As soon as $55 is reached, we will post here on the completion (so nothing more will be sent in).
All donating members will be marked with a "Contributing Member" mark underneath their username. I am working on trying to find something else for those that contribute, but at this time that is all that can be given (some people just like to be recognized).
If you wish to make a donation, simply click on the link below and enter the amount you wish to donate:
Make A Donation
Note: You must enter your username in the notes field to be marked as a donating user (otherwise you will need to use the same e-mail you use here at vBT). You may wish to remain anon. if so, do not enter anything and you will not be marked.
A big thanks ahead of time goes out to anyone that donates to this cause. If no one donates, we will simply look for an alternative method, but it is felt everyone would enjoy having the same system used at vBulletin.org
Received: $55.00
Still Needed: $00.00