ok i got this code from the other topic:
PHP Code:
$userid = 4703;
$forumid = 84;
$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
$bbuserinfo = fetch_userinfo($userid);
$post[title] = 'Testtopic';
$post[message] = 'Just a Test';
$post[poststarttime] = TIMENOW;
$post[posthash] = md5($post[poststarttime] . $bbuserinfo['userid'] . $bbuserinfo['salt']);
build_new_post('thread', $foruminfo, array(), 0, $post, $errors);
i put all this into a .php file and uploaded it to my webspace.
ok when i run the .php file in my browser i get a blank page, and the topic was created in forum with id 84.
ok so far it's ok
but i want to change the
userid,forumid,$post[title],$post[message] and $post[poststarttime] through a form in the adminpanel. so that ONLY administrators can pre-create their topics.
what's the format for the $post[poststarttime]? instead of TIMENOW i want to use a specified date and time.
thanks for help
