True, but it could be an option to turn on / off. On 3.0.x I have had this working in the navbar on every page an have not had any performance issues with ~20 members online.
After playing with this a little more, it works great when you are using the cookie mark read system, but if you are using the Database (automatic forum marking) system then that's where the problem comes in.
Lets say user 1 posts a new thread, user 2 logs in and doesn't read it, the new posts option shows as new like it should, user 2 logs out, logs in 2 days later (
Database Read Marking Limit is set to 1 day) and the new posts still reads as one, but when user 2 clicks on New Posts, nothing shows up- But, if you switch back to cookie base mark read system, the thread will show up.
Is there a fix / work around for this?