After some long thought on this, I'd like to make a proposal to all the entire community to make allour lives easier.
1. Only hacks that require changes to sql queries should be hacks.
2. Take THIS hack and place it in a seperate forum calls "Add-on Hooks". When a someone codes a hack that can't use a standard hook, they add an add-on hook into this forum. Then they can release their hack as a plug-in. One the add-on hook is released, it can be used by anyone. It becomes an unoffical extension of VB.
3. In the description for plugins, add an additional 2 fields:
Requires add-on hook (y/n)
ThreadID of Add-on Hook.
4. The folsk at VB.Com now have a way to see how many plugins use these add-on hooks. If we have an add-on hook that is used by 20 or more hacks, they know that it should be incorporated into the next release. As they do so, then that add-on hook can be removed from the forum and the hacks updated as full-plugin without add-on hooks.
5. For those of us with hacked boards, all it means is that we have to reinstall our hooks, not the entire hack.