Acers have you setup your admincp dir correct in source files ?
nope its the same as default
can you post what errors you are getting here ?
well thats the error i am getting.
The image ?http://www.techenclave.com/forums/admincp/cronadmin.php?do=runcron&cronid=21? cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
this is what i get when i manually run the cron from within Vbulletin. Although i get this error the image itself gets updated to latest stats.
but i have set the cron to run every hour, but it never does that. it gets stuck up the first time it has to run automatically. I have to manually click "run now" and i get this error but the ststs atleast get updated that way.
*btw after reading the previous posts, would it be better to run a cron from cpanel?