Hi folks,
I think the plugin XML file could be greatly enhanced with a few new fields and some extra functionality.
There's already a couple of hacks to enhance it, but I really think it's best done from the source (vb.com), otherwise upgrading would be complicated if plugin authors and users need to keep porting those hacked plugin changes with each upgrade.
Please add any fields you think are useful, or any comments. Who knows, it may show up in the next beta
Proposed new
optional fields to the XML file format:
Plugin Description: With so many plugins listed, it would be helpful to the users to have a summary of what this is for. Already avaialble as
new hack
Plugin version: Would be a good reference for support from the author. Already available as
new hack
Plugin version check: This offers the option of checking for the latest version of the plugin. Already available as
new hack
Plugin author: Author's name or username
Plugin source URL: Mostly the plugins's support thread
Plugin credits: For earlier version if ported, or any co-authors.
Plugin License: Useful if there are any special terms.
Plugin group: This would identify the main plugin, for multiple plugin hacks and would help organizing the hierarchy for plugins (like template groups). It can also be useful if vB implements an "all or nothing" option for large plugin sets, that have to be used together
(a single On/Off-Switch for one hack - even if it uses multiple Hooks.). This, of course, is not just a format change

I just have the feeling vB will do soemthing like this anyway.
Any way, that's a draft. What do you think?