The bold below causes a file error when adding a thread
Warning: strpos(): Empty delimiter. in /includes/functions_newpost.php on line 313
if (!empty($vboptions['flagwords']))
$found = false;
$lcpost = strtolower($post['message']);
foreach (explode(' ', strtolower($vboptions['flagwords'])) as $flagword)
$found |= strpos ($lcpost, $flagword); [U] }
if ($found) {
$post['visible'] = 0;
Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Let's say you've specified bad words as the words that should trigger this.
Now a user posts
Then this post will go into the moderation queue.
Sure. Create a new phrase postflagged with appropriate text in phrasegroups Email Subject Text and Email Body Text.
Then place the following code after $post['visible'] = 0;
PHP Code:
eval(fetch_email_phrases('postflagged', $bbuserinfo['languageid']));
vbmail($bbuserinfo['email'], $subject, $message, true);
can you also explain this better?