error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$cutepath = __FILE__;
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'\\\show_news\.php'", "", $cutepath);
$cutepath = preg_replace( "'/show_news\.php'", "", $cutepath);
// Check if we are included by PATH
elseif(eregi("show_news.php", $PHP_SELF)){
die("<h4>CuteNews has detected that you are including show_news.php using the URL to this file.<br>
This is incorrect and you must include it using the PATH to show_news.php</h4><br>Example:<br>
this is <font color=red>WRONG</font> : <?PHP include(\"\"); ?><br>
this is <font color=green>CORRECT</font>: <?PHP include(\"cutenews/show_news.php\"); ?><br>
<br><BR>// <font size=2>if you think this message shouldn't be shown, open show_news.php and delete it from there</font>");
// End of the check
if(!isset($subaction) or $subaction == ""){ $subaction = $POST["subaction"]; }
if(!isset($template) or $template == "" or strtolower($template) == "default"){ require_once("$cutepath/data/Default.tpl"); }
if(file_exists("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl")){ require_once("$cutepath/data/${template}.tpl"); }
else{ die("Error!<br>the template <b>".htmlspecialchars($template)."</b> does not exists, note that templates are case sensetive and you must write the name exactly as it is"); }
// Prepare requested categories
if(eregi("[a-z]", $category)){
die("<b>Error</b>!<br>CuteNews has detected that you use \$category = \"$category\"; but you can call the categories only with their <b>ID</b> numbers and not with names<br>
example:<br><blockquote><?PHP<br>\$category = \"1\";<br>include(\"path/to/show_news.php\");<br>?></blockquote>");
$category = preg_replace("/ /", "", $category);
$tmp_cats_arr = explode(",", $category);
foreach($tmp_cats_arr as $key=>$value){
if($value != ""){ $requested_cats[$value] = TRUE; }
if($archive == ""){
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/news.txt";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/comments.txt";
$news_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$";
$comm_file = "$cutepath/data/archives/$archive.comments.arch";
$allow_add_comment = FALSE;
$allow_full_story = FALSE;
$allow_active_news = FALSE;
$allow_comments = FALSE;
//<<<------------ Detarime what user want to do
if( $CN_HALT != TRUE and $static != TRUE and ($subaction == "showcomments" or $subaction == "showfull" or $subaction == "addcomment") and ((!isset($category) or $category == "") or $requested_cats[$ucat] == TRUE) ){
if($subaction == "addcomment"){ $allow_add_comment = TRUE; $allow_comments = TRUE; }
if($subaction == "showcomments") $allow_comments = TRUE;
if(($subaction == "showcomments" or $allow_comments == TRUE) and $config_show_full_with_comments == "yes") $allow_full_story = TRUE;
if($subaction == "showfull") $allow_full_story = TRUE;
if($subaction == "showfull" and $config_show_comments_with_full == "yes") $allow_comments = TRUE;
if($config_reverse_active == "yes"){ $reverse = TRUE; }
$allow_active_news = TRUE;
//----------->>> Detarime what user want to do
if($_GET['archive'] and $_GET['archive'] != ''){ $archive = $_GET['archive']; } // stupid fix ?
unset($static, $template, $requested_cats, $category, $catid, $cat,$reverse, $in_use, $archives_arr, $number, $no_prev, $no_next, $i, $showed, $prev, $used_archives);
<!-- News Powered by CuteNews: -->
with the news system it allows me to post news articles on my website, and on my websites main page it just shows the titles of the news articles in order like this:
>> article 1 blahblahblah
>> article 2 somethingsomethingsomething
>> article 3 --asd-as-d-asd-a-sd-a-sd-sad
And when you click on the link, the msm.php is just the template for the page it'll be taken too which contains the full article. In the php code I'm trying to put up will just put the links (like I poorly exampled above

) so members can click the link and be taken to the news article that is part of the main site...
Its very hard to explain, hopefully I was clear enough. :-)