I'm upgrading the spell checkers (PungoSpell and PHPSpell) to release for 3.5, and all is done, except for the WYSIWYG mode.
The problem is that once the spelling is corrected in the spellcheck window, copying it into htmlbox/htmlwindow iframe in the vbform no longer works. Here's how the results are copied:
if (window.opener.document.vbform.toolbar.value == 2)
if (ie) { window.opener.frames["htmlwindow"].innerHTML = mispstr; }
else if (ns) { window.opener.frames["htmlbox"].body.innerHTML = mispstr; }
window.opener.document.forms[spell_formname][spell_fieldname].value = mispstr;
return true;
So I can see the correct spelling in the spelling window, but once it's done, it will not update the vbform text area. After some testing, I found out that
if I refresh the page, the correctly spelled WYSIWYG text will then show up. (both IE and NS have this problem)
But I'd rather not make it referesh

Any JS gurus here can tell me what caused this new change in vB 3.5. I looked at the code, and can't see why this won't work.
The above code is from PungoSpell: