I took a backup of my vb database to my home linux box to test out NNTP gateway to a Yahoo group mailing list. I only enable 1 sub forum and left the default value of 0 on the
Last Max postid field. For the first initial run, the gateway sent ALL messages from ALL forums including those msg from an un-related PRIVATE forums to the Yahoo list??? Luckily! this is just a test else I could be in big trouble. I believe this problem only occurs in the initial run.
I just switch NNTP on for the real server with appropriate
Last MAx postid set to the last posting #. However, I ran into 2 issues:
- I do not see any messages arriving at Yahoo. When using with debug option, it appears that messages are sent ??? BTW, Importing messages from a POP3 account works.
- when running the gateway.php script via PHP CGI (command line), I encountered an error message: 'Unable to add cookies, header already sent.'
The only different is: my hosting company uses PHP 4.3.10 whereas I have 4.3.11 at home. Perhaps there are some other restrictions?? I use 1and1.com btw.