Originally Posted by ShiningArcanine
Is that your primary usergroup? Does the administrator usergroup have 6 as its id on your forums? This is probably a stupid question but what version of vBulletin are you running?
It's just a fresh install of v3.5 beta 1. Nothing other than this plugin has been done except for some styles I have ported over. I get the same result on the untouched default style as well as the 3 I have moved over to 3.5.
I as the admin am the only member and yes, Admin is default group 6.
I even took out
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid']==6)
and still get the same result. Wierd. It must have something to do with my server config? I have the vB3x version running fine on 2 other boards
www.StaticServer.com (only admins can view) and my main board at
www.Chefhost.com where you should see limited stats as unregistered.