Hey guys, just wanted to see what you thought of this site I help run
A paranormal discussion forum covering over 20 topics, including: Alternate history, time travel, UFOlogy, conspiracies, cryptozoology, telekinesis, telepathy, vampirism, fringe archaeology, dream interpretation, ancient astronauts, ghosts, and much more.
Launch Date:
Summer of 2004
We've recently revamped a lot of the stuff there so there may be one or two things still out of whack. A lot of people wanted the IPB look (we used to run their software) so that's currently the default style, though I'm trying to wean everyone off that crap. The "good" one is here:
Let me know what we could do to improve it

And say hello if you have time... We're not as "fringe" as you think. We're just normal people talking about weird stuff.