Originally Posted by The Geek
ccplim - sounds lie your php/apache precess is lacking permission to overwirte the files. That means the files themselves do not have write permissions enabled. Cant really help you there but Im sure if look at them again you may see how to set them.
Hi The Geek,
Thank you for the reply. I am thinking about the permission issue too. Anyway, I have performed the manual installation (it isn't that hard) and it seems to work great.
A couple of things that I would like to bring up.
1) Is it possible to have multiple authors per article? I have some articles that came from 2 or more members and it would be good if all their names can be credited.
2) Is it possible to set the number of images limit independently from the other forums? I have some articles with many pictures (I am using the [img] code and not using attachement) but at the same time, I want to limit the number of image that my members can post in the other forums.