Hi (my first post here),
I just noticed that you can easily place this content on any page in any file.
For example:
you want to keep your .html extension on your page - you can use javascript.
go into the vBExternal directory and open the newest_threads.html file.
add this to every line (has to be every line or it won't work)
document.write(" [all the code that was on that line] ");
then make a dummy externalcontent.php file to call the vBExternal.php content and put the code:
now go into your .html file and use this code:
<script language="javascript" src="http://www.yoursite.com/externalcontent.php"></script>
this code can be placed on any page in any number of instances anywhere on your site that supports javascript (uses the simple document.write in javascript similar to the print function in php)
this can be applied to any of the templates in the hack
be careful with the syntax of the javascript and be careful with quotes. If you use quotes other than the ones for the document.write you have to escape them with \