sorry about the double post. but i just set the usergroup permission and its working fine now. that didnt mention on the instruction :speechless:
can anybody tell me what's the original path for download and upload url on the admincp setting? i changed around and now i seems can't upload...
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/downloads/ fdgdf fdgd [88577].jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/dl_add.php on line 69
Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpPn8Rsq' to '/downloads/ fdgdf fdgd [88577].jpg' in /includes/dl_add.php on line 69
Eventhough it say successfully uploaded but when i click download it doesnt work..
Do i have to create a downloads folder on my forums directory?
sorry if this issue already answered, i might just go n read page by page on this thread to find the answer