I've recently switched webhosts and now the option to upload an article-icon doesn't work anymore. I can upload images/files without problems (both normal topicpages as with GEEK articles), but uploading an images that's being used for the article icon does nothing.
As soon as I click on the 'image' button under the 'Article Image' I receive the popup window where I can select an image or browse for an image on my PC. When I select an image on my PC and select 'upload' the popup is closed and a redcross is visible where the thumbnail/icon should be visible.
When I look on the server I see that the image has been uploaded, but as chmod 600 (and still in original size).
I've searched a bit around and tried to change the move_uploaded_file command to copy (in the fucntions_geekarticles_images.php file). Now the images gets uploaded in chmod 777. But the image is still not resized to the proper dimensions (70x70).
It worked on my previous server, but not anymore. And yes, I have chmod the gas/images folders.