you might want to edit your usercp.php file, as well, to properly show the synopsis there too. To do that, open you usercp.php file and find:
PHP Code:
eval('$userbit = "' . fetch_template('pm_messagelistbit_user') . '";');
Right above that, add:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo['synopsis']>0)
$synopsis_length = $bbuserinfo['synopsis'];
$synopsis = strip_bbcode(strip_quotes(trim($pm['message'])));
if (strlen($synopsis)>$synopsis_length)
$synopsis=substr($synopsis, 0, $synopsis_length);
$synopsis=$synopsis . " ... (more)";
YOu may have to slightly modify the USERCP profile, depending on the synopsis template you select to use. If you need help, please let me know.