Originally Posted by h_jinx
A standalone item shop allows people to spend their "cash" on items to go beside their postbits. On my current phpbb of 700 members, 100,000 posts, it is a very popular addon and when I switch to vbulletin i would like a mod similar to it =/
This is fairly simple to do without any real modification other than a template mod or two. All you would have to do setup a subscription where they are placed into a specific group upon paying, then add a basic template conditional so they get that specific image in their postbit.
So say they paid through a subscription and became a member of a group you setup called "Itemshop" this group has an ID of say 10. You would put something like this in your postbit where ever you want it:
<if condition="is_member_of($post, 10)">
Path to item image or any html you want here