Originally Posted by mfarmerhi
Been testing it. Question: What does this hack do with re-occurring events? Still only initiate one thread (the very first time you post the event), then never again, despite the fact the event reoccurs?
Because the only one extra thing I'd REALLY want:
the ability to make this only post the new thread on the actual date of the event.
That is, say you have an event on July 4th. I'd like the hack to allow me to enter a calendar event for the 4th, and then *only when it get's to the 4th* post that event.
Re-occurring events would initiate a new thread every time the event reoccurred.
Any easy way to make it do that?
It's interesting that you bring up recurring events. A similar suggestion was posted for the Event Attendance hack. The problem is in how vb treats recurring events.
Recurring events seem to be the same as a regular event in the db, but with some sort of flag that allows it to show up multiple times. But with it actually being a single entry, everything associated with that event is stored only once including any hacks applied to the event listing. I don't really see any way to do it without having something to track the various dates of a recurring event or for recurring events to be re-designed so that they actually populate the calendar with multiple event listings that can be changed individually or as a whole.