OK after going through 15 pages of notes starting from 2004 . I am so lost...
I have VB 3.0.7 with coppermine 1.33
I successfully installed coppermine and was able to get to the main index. i have the following menu options
I followed the original hack to a T and also implements through out a few pages, but slowly got lost.
Album list :: Upload file :: Login
Last uploads :: Last comments :: Most viewed :: Top rated :: My Favorites :: Search
I click Login . It sends me to Vbulletin in which many case I'm already logged in to the Vbulletin. So I logout, go back to Coppermines main page and click Login -> sends me to Vbulletin -> i then login -> point the browser to my coppermine folder (index.php) and I still have a login. Therefore repeating the whole sequence. I feel its cookie related somehow.
1) Can I have some assistence
2) Is there going to be an updated hack for this for everyone who has the latest scripts
3) I already wasted money on WSN Gallery (no decent support) so buying another program such as VBaGallery is no in the budget
4) Is 4images better and easyier to integrate.
Seems I'm having problems with any gallery. Yet I completely customized Vbulletin without a hitch :ermm:
Soooo i can't login,