color is used to set mood -- by using the right color or combination of colors, you can create an atmosphere or mood in which people will likely respond
you should think about using different colors for the site ... the shades of green just doesn't scream 'sports' to me--it's a calm natural feeling when it should be exciting hot passionate ... just look at all the team logos out there for inspiration
just imagine placing a handful of 4 year olds in a room with walls painted in green shades while in another room the walls are painted in red, blue, yellow, and white -- which one do you think the 4 year olds will fall asleep faster?
on the forum index page, the PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL forum list (they have images associated with the name)...
I recommend splitting this section into multiple columns. There is a hack available that will do this for you -- not sure what the name is.
Add to your default vbulletin error pages.
Also, you may want to consider adding a site map to the site.