The preview comments template HTML HAD to be folded into the article template HTML - the reason esacpes me now - but none the less it isnt overly difficult to alter the template to get what you want.
The compressed comment style was done by design and hence why most article/review systems utilize a similar look.
To get your comments to look the same as postbits - just copy your postbit template into your GAS_comments_pb. To get the preview comments to look the same - copy over the signature elements of the postbit into GAS_article_pb and copy the header info (ie avatar etc...) into it as well - however that part is housed in a conditional.
It isnt overly hard - all it takes is to look at the template.
There are no plans to be reworking GAS for now. I am in middle of some other hacks and the impending release of vb3.5 means that most of my development is on hold awaiting its release.
From there I will have to look at porting all my hacks over. Most should be a snap - but I have a feeling this hack is going to be a serious ball buster to port over. Saying that - I will be doing it simply becuase there are hundreds that have it installed (me included). I have a few ideas re: functionality that I will most likely stick in - and I will see about sticking in an option of comment versions but I seriosuly doubt I will be changing the numbering sequence nor do I see a major reasons as to why to do it.
The key areas of new functionality will be:
Forum level inherited settings (as opposed to global). This is to allow each article forum to be article, review or whatever (instead of all articles). I am also hoping to put in an author rating essentially allowing the author to 'rate' a product/review whatever.