Hi the_geek
I hope you can help
In your image attachments and on your demo the yellow box looks good, but
Notice how the text wraps around every word on the first autolink.
I set this catagory up as a Popup with Title replacement, using the replacement you gave in your install file
<a href='$gal_link' target='_blank' class='DEF' onmouseover='GAL_popup(this,"$gal_offset", $gal_width, "$gal_box_style", "$gal_description", "$gal_description_style", "$gal_title", "$gal_title_style");' onmouseout='GAL_hidepopup();'>$gal_text</a>
I tryed the Popup without Title replacement and got the same results.
I want the box to expand to the carraige return.
Did I miss something? I've searched through this thread to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appriciated.
Thank you