There's a "bug" in the petz hack:
- If you are in the arena , copy the shorcut of the "ATTACK" action
- If you visit that link, it does not matters if is not your turn,
you can attack
- When it's not your turn, you can fail the attack BUT (and here's the bug) you gain Experience, so
If you are in a battle you can gain enough experience to raise many levels
I fixed that by doing this: (not increasing the EXP when the attack is 0)
File: petz.php
Find this code:
PHP Code:
if ($pet1[EXP]>100) { $pet1[EXP]=100; }
Replace it with:
PHP Code:
if ($pet1[EXP]>100) { $pet1[EXP]=100; }
Then find this:
PHP Code:
if ($pet2[EXP]>100) { $pet2[EXP]=100; }
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
if ($pet2[EXP]>100) { $pet2[EXP]=100; }
that's all