Originally Posted by Torqued
which version of the code did you install?
There are about 3 different versions in this thread. 
I used Collin's original code, but modified to user usernames etc ect rather than bots. I also used the rolling 24 hour method rather than the midnight-midnight method. I will try KirbyDE's method and report back on how that works. I should have done that in the first place, I just got ahead of myself I guess when the error popped up hehe.
Edit: Tried Kirby's code and it doesn't create a thread. Is it just code to replace Collin's completely, or is it supposed to be added in somewhere? I am sorry for my noobness, but I really don't know alot about this stuff. I don't think I am the only one who had this problem though...
Originally Posted by YLP1
Newbie here...... Where would KirbeDEs code go and is his code in addition to Colin's?
I am going to integrate your checkbox hack as well, Torqued, whenever I can straighten this out. Maybe someone who has this working could just put the hacked code from their calander.php here?