Hello John...(Running 3.0.6 (this security updates applied.)
I have a question if I may. I see your full text search requires two different indexes in the post table. One is TITLE and the other is PAGETEXT (keynames). Looking at the structure for the POST table I see these two indexes with pagetext having a 1 after it.
Now looking at how Vb asked for it to be done, they want you to run...
ALTER TABLE post ADD FULLTEXT INDEX (title,pagetext);
This results, as you know, in a single new index in POST for TITLE that has both TITLE and PAGETEXT in one keyname. (title). Then they wanted another full text search index for the THREAD table for TITLE.
My questions, because I really do not know...
1) What is the difference having two keynames in the POST table, like yours, and only having one (theirs)? What does help with?
2) Does it matter, or will it help, with your code to have the full text search index in the THREAD table like they requested? (I made it just in case.)
I have your code now running on TiVo Community Forum and I am looking to run it on AVS Forum (Even though it is from last year, I hope the code is still ok with the current version Iam running). I am looking for solutions for we are getting killed with the searches more so on AVS Forum. (We went to VB3 last Sunday.)
Thank you for your time.
(Note...I noticed in the VB3 search.php it really needs help. Espically when you have it limite the return. It still searches and returns ALL HITS and then purnes it down to the limit number. Thus the return is still very large. I think your code actually does it correct by stopping when it reached the limit.)
Update...I just installed it on AVS Forum. It took my MySQL load from 1.4 (or more) to currently .38 with 2000 users on-line.
Just need to know why.