Thanks guys, I have been working with Rick Sample on a light schemed theme to give the users a choice. I appreciate your input. Interesting, because the a lot of the elite highend CG forums are pretty low keyed in the colors and use low contrasting monotones for the most part, allowing the images to provide the interest. I imagine I will try to offer both options and let the members decide which they prefer.
Quick question, what is a site map? I see Princeton has one in his signature, I will go take a look at it and see what it is.
P.S. Tony, are you the designer for Extreme Pixels? I had looked at them, some of the nicest/professional looking themes I saw around, but I wanted something different from what others have to offer, I think being unique has its strengths, anyway, I wanted to mention I am a fan, if that is your work.
Princeton, checked out your site map MOD, will have to look into it and check out a site that has it installed, thanks for the tip, another item some users are asking for is a screen showing all the recent post, and yes the site is growing, thank goodness, it seems like contest are the only way to get a lot of participation and membership to grow, I have been too busy courting sponsors for the last couple months, now that the latest contest is going I can work on the graphics some more

Thanks again everybody, just because I like it doesn't mean the majority of visitors do.