Firstly, excellent hack! It seems to be very well polished off!
Next, for v3, I think these suggestions are very good:
Originally Posted by Snake
Zero, I got a suggestion for v3.0; Difficulties.
Quiz difficulties are dynamically created by the quiz system based on how well players perform on a quiz. If most people do really well on a quiz it may be rated as "Easy". If no one does well, probably "Impossible".
The order of difficulty:
Very Easy
Very Difficult
Originally Posted by wolfgangm
- In one quiz we ask for "Dracula", but some regions here write "Drakula" and similar. I would suggest, to make some sort of wildcard as "Dra$ula$" to allow similar typings as correct answer.
And one request by me... after someone finishes off a quiz, can you output a page with their results and the correct answers? On my forum i dont give everyone access to private messaging, so it would be very useful if they could see their results on the site rather then through PM...
Edit: actually that last request could probaby be done if on the "thank you for doing this quiz" page we provide a link to directly view the stats of that individual for that quiz? Anyone know what the code for such a link would be?