Dear Zero Tolerance,
thank you very, very much for your quiz! It's exactly what our readers definitely like, creation of the quiz is a lot of fun for me too!
My forum is on legends, myths and fairy tales in Europe, so from this region I experience some problems, hoping they are suggestions for you:
- In one quiz we ask for "Dracula", but some regions here write "Drakula" and similar. I would suggest, to make some sort of wildcard as "Dra$ula$" to allow similar typings as correct answer.
- I would like to add pictures for some questions. Suggestion?
Dream of expansion on this idea would be, that the picture is shown in parts, and if candidate needs more parts (or more resolution) to recognise, looses percentage.
- Another definite popular demand here in Europe is a "Joker" (there is no translation to English, so I'll have to explain ;-). If there are four possible answers, the canditate might cry [click] "Joker" and the system reduces the possible four answers to two.
Kindest regards from Austria