Originally Posted by PhotoGenie
This is a good chat program.. The only trouble I've had with the whole integration into VB is members closing the browser instead of logging out. They stay logged in when they do this. If you have members in chat showing on your main page they show as logged in until logged out. It would be nice if it would time out and log you out of chat like your logged out of vbulletin. Other than that its great! I'm using this on my site now.
Firstly you can add wording to the little red logout button so it says "Press to Log Out" (or similar) - making it much more obvious.
Secondly you can set the appropiate timeout so that if the user stops responding they are logged out automatically - I have mine at about 120 seconds I think (there is still one problem with this, it fails if they are the last person in the chat - until someone else logs in). You could probably cure this with a custom cron job.