Originally Posted by Dark Visor
[B]Update to 1.02:
[*] Fixed comma error in the table creation query[*] The hack now uses TABLE_PREFIX
Update is fairly easy, for the update instructions are included.
I noticed the comma problem as soon as I ran the queries, but was able to fix the problem myself(yahoooooo :P).
Ahh sorry to jump in the conversation like this.. overgrow.com been around since the first days of vB and they had a very similar hack, just like they had the karma hack since the early days of vb2.. although shebang(the owner) did not want to share it for free :P
So, thanks a lot Dark Visor for sharing, great hack, great instructions..
Although I would prefere if the coders put comments before and after the code we have to change, add, or replace for easy detection if mistakes are made

- Just a thought, don't take me serious :P
Wow, I'm typing too fast, I think I had way too much coffee!
Once again great hack, ahh! Dark do you think this would be possible to be intergrated using the AJAX system? this would get rid of the ADD ENTRY template and maybe others.