i ve just installed,but i had to read all pages of this hack cos i got some several errors.Thanks guys!Thanks PCfreak!
in the beginning,i got all codes placed on correct place on all files,but the user id was set to 1,my id was 3 so i couldnt make it work,the statistics didnt work,except the "statistics home".After changing the user id,it didnt work well on spiders/crawlers,browser,referrer etc etc.
The problem solved when i edited all the settings in Admin control panel,and updated them to today's date.
I changed all the options,for example i changed Display limit for short referrer (Domains)from 10 to 11,clicked update,the date was up to date(not 1970).Then i changed back to 10.
I dont know if this in normal behavior,i m a n00b in coding,but this thing solved my problem and now the stats are shown fine.
I think in install instructions(if not putted already) you must make a warning to the users to change the userid from 1 to their admin userid(i think there are lot of admins without userid=1).
Great hack,***installed*** version 3.0.7 works PERFECT!