Originally Posted by whodah
MrToasty: good idea - i've edited the first post commenting out the 'disable sidebar' line...
ZED28: yes, this was brought to my attention by a couple users as well.
the issue is in our vB .htaccess file... it's skipping our integration php file...
not sure how to fix it just yet, but it should be fixable w/ the current version (G2b3) i.e. we shouldn't have to wait for the next release on this one, woot! talking to one of the programmers, it looks like the next release will skirt this issue w/ a cookie/session setting. but for now, we gotta fix our .htaccess file.
i'll probably visit this issue in the next couple of days.
i got the random block working - kinda... getting some access errors on that so i disabled it. but i'll be working on that soon too.
Thanks for the update Whodah! That's GREAT news on the random block too, that will be the "cherry on the cake" for me!