Originally Posted by AutomatikStudio
When I try to run the cron I get: "Couldn't elect a member of the day, not enough members"...i have a couple of hundred members and I check to make sure the correct usergroups weren't restricted. Also the member box on FORUMHOME is just showing blank b/c it hasn't selected anybody.
I'm getting this too on my testboard. Here are the settings I have everything at.
I have created a couple test members, and just posted several threads for each.
$restrictedGroups = "0";
$posts = 0;
$lastactivity = 90;
$lastpost = 30;
$reputation = 0;
$days = 7;
$privateForums = "0";
When I run the scheduler, I get that "Couldn't elect a member of the day, not enough members"
any ideas?