Originally Posted by jilly
threadBOT Name
Please enter the username that the threadBOT will post under.
This should be someone's existing username? Like if it will post as me, enter my username, or if I am going to give it it's own entity, create a username for it?
yup it needs to be an existng username in the database (like yours), so you can't just make one up on the spot unless it actually has an account.
Originally Posted by jilly
threadBOT Feeding Permissions
Please enter the forumid of a forum where only people you want to be able to feed the threadBOT have permission to view and post.
I am not sure exactly what this means - does this mean the way I will 'feed' it is by having a forum, say a private forum, where I will post up the info that is going to be reposted later by threadbot?
what it means is, if you have a private forum that only you can post in, you'd put it's number in there, the reason being is that the threadbot will use the permissions of that forum to see who can and can't feed it. i.e. if you set it to a forum that all your members can post in, then all your members can feed the threadBOT, however if it's a forum that only staff can post in, then only staff can feed the threadBOT.
arghhh i'm crap at explaining things so forgive me