Thank you for contacting me Zach. I never heard about this site before until you emailed me and for good reason. The author has stolen all my work, period.
You never once asked me for permission of any of my articles or content. I have never agreed that you may use my content.
Even worse you never refer to my site for TAKING my content. It's bad enough I have people using my articles daily without asking permission but now guys like you take it without asking and dont' even bother to link to me as the source?
What you're doing is illegal.
Why not come up with your own idea instead of stealing other peoples hard work. I don't believe for one second that "people submitted the content" that's complete bull and you know it. Even if they did submit the content it DOESN"T BELONG TO THEM to being with.
This is just one example - why do I know this? Because I AM the person who originally wrote this article.
I'm furious that you would just steal all my hard work in an attempt do duplicate my site, you even used the same content management system - that's just bad manners. I'll be sure to be in contact with your hosting provider/data center to file a full complain to have your site remove the content or kick you off their servers.
I can't believe this, I think I'm going to start a section on my site of other who have stolen my content in a hall of shame, because the list keeps growing.