OK, I have this in includes/functions_showthread.php
PHP Code:
$level = pow (log10 ($post[posts]), 4);
$ep = floor (100 * ($level - floor ($level)));
$showlevel = floor ($level + 1);
$hpmulti =round ($postsperday / 6, 1);
if ($hpmulti > 1.5) {
$hpmulti = 1.5;
if ($hpmulti < 1) {
$hpmulti = 1;
$maxhp = $level * 25 * $hpmulti;
$hp= $postsperday / 10;
if ($hp >= 1) {
$hp= $maxhp;
} else {
$hp= floor ($hp * $maxhp);
$hp= floor ($hp);
$maxhp= floor ($maxhp);
if ($maxhp <= 0) {
$zhp = 1;
} else {
$zhp = $maxhp;
$hpf= floor (100 * ($hp / $zhp)) - 1;
$maxmp= ($jointime * $level) / 5;
$mp= $post[posts] / 3;
if ($mp >= $maxmp) {
$mp = $maxmp;
$maxmp = floor ($maxmp);
$mp = floor ($mp);
if ($maxmp <= 0) {
$zmp = 1;
} else {
$zmp = $maxmp;
$mpf= floor (100 * ($mp / $zmp)) - 1;
It's a code snippet from Knoman's HP/MP hack.. everything looks good, but when a user's post exceeds 1000, it drops all the values to 0 for some reason. Any ideas on this?
Or rather, it sets the level to 0, but that makes the other variables unreasonably low. Running 3.0.7 right now.