Thanks again for the quick replies, much appreciated...
Originally Posted by cinq
What does running this
SELECT replycount FROM thread WHERE threadid = 715925
in phpMyAdmin give you ?
It executed, but I didn't get a # result... this is what is spit out...
Your SQL-query has been executed successfully (Query took 0.0002 sec)
SELECT replycount
FROM thread
WHERE threadid =715925
LIMIT 0 , 30
So I'm guessing that is why I am getting a blank page still when I run my above script on a .php file... b/c no actual number is being outputted... I'm sure there is just a missing variable I'm forgetting to include.
Link - Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I tried your corrections and still get a blank page. Not sure what the problem is but thanks for the effort. I'm not getting any parse errors or anything, just a blank page.