Originally Posted by MarcoH64
And where did you execute $query?
Not quite sure what you mean. The $query is near the end of the photopost upload script as shown above. Both photopost and vbulletin use the same database, but with different prefixes.
The user has just uploaded photo(s). The next steps:
If this is the first time he has uploaded photo(s), the existing values are null, then set the two userfields (x and xx) for this user to a value of 1 (a vbulletin table)
If he has uploaded photo(s) before then do not set the two userfields, as they are already set to the value of 1, or maybe just overwrite.
The remaining steps in this script are (these lines of code were already in the original photopost script):
increase user post count in the vbulletin user postcount? -yes, no (a vbulletin table)
notify section of code (subscription). If the user wants an email if someone comments on one of their photos (photopost tables)
End of script